AI will surpass the limit of impossible. WAIO will ensure that AI is deployed for SDGs implementation.


As technology is becoming ever more present in our daily lives including increasingly in our very bodies, we are on the verge of the next revolution, where computers capable of cognitive functions designed to enhance human intelligence will provide us with tools never before available to humankind.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) already transforms many of our daily activities. AI conversation is multidimensional and complex ranging from security to economic opportunity, from impact on the environment to scientific breakthroughs. Understanding this evolving landscape, new opportunities and emerging challenges is essential to navigating 21st century business, politics, and society.

The following decades served to develop all the technologies that sorround us today. The last few years saw a jump in machines' abilities to perform congnitive functions.


WAIO - The World Artificial Intelligence Organization aims to build strong partnerships between technology leaders from the private sector, Academic Institutions, Scientists, Member States, International Organizations and UN agencies. Currently, WAIO is the only international organization addressing AI issues.

As technology is becoming ever more present in our lives and in our environment, we humans are on the verge of the next digital transformation, where computers will enhance human intelligence to new levels. AI already transforms many of our daily activities from stock-picking to tax filing, Weather Prediction and Autonomous Cars. Healthcare, Education, Science, Transportation and Agriculture will all be transformed by this tremendous technology.

AI has the potential to truly reshape the world in which we live and work. According to the estimates, AI can create USD trillions in potential economic impact. One thing is clear, countries that recognize the importance of AI will play a significant role in the world economy. Those Nations that ignore this eminent technological evolution will fall behind in global competitiveness and socio-economic development.

AI conversation is multidimensional and complex that range from free speech, the security of individuals and Nations, the global economy and scientific breakthroughs. The forces that drive it, and how to address emerging challenges is essential to shape our near future. WAIO’s vision is based on 5 core components:

• AI Awareness
• AI Ethics and Security
• AI Policy Research
• AI Implementation
• AI Social Impact

Addressing AI challenges and opportunities through technical solutions alone is not enough. Through its Global Think Tank WAIO is taking a broader view that brings the insights of many disciplines aiming to produce ethical research that is policy-driven and action oriented. Serving a global platform to convene leaders across sectors and nations to harness the potential of AI for sustainable development.

World Artificial Intelligence Organization

instagram: @artificialintelligenceorg